Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I just want to be....

  When we begin the pursuit of an accomplishment in life, we most likely will give it our all.  The nature of the pursuit will be different for everyone.  In August of 2007, I began the pursuit of my Bible degree at Lubbock Christian University.  After five years of hard work, family, ministry, and life in general, I accomplished my pursuit in May of 2012.  It was and still is a great feeling to have two years of Preaching School and a four year college degree done!
  During the summer of 2012, my family and I took some time off and visited some family in Kentucky and Indiana.  It was a great time of rest, family, and fun.  As the summer continued, I became anxious for August. Why? Well, in August I was to begin my graduate journey at Lubbock Christian University.  As the time grew closer, my books came in, I began to read pre-course readings, and I was loving it all.  I dove right into my graduate work running, as most of you know, I love to read. Reading is a huge part of graduate work. I was in heaven!  While time passed, something began to change in me, something was not complete in my soul.

  As I began to pray more about what was troubling me, I began to see.  In a matter of a few days of silence and prayer, God opened my eyes.  I was missing people, I was missing their journeys, their hurts, their joys, I was just missing out.  I knew what to do, because the most important thing to Christ and to me was being neglected, that was my family and the people around me.  So, making a long story short, I took the necessary steps, accepted a few consequences, and became a Christian, Husband, Father, Friend, and Pastor!  I discovered, by consuming myself in something that wasn't me, that I just wanted to be...I just want to be what I am meant to be.

  Are you being what you are meant to be, or are you trying to be something or someone that you are not meant to be?  The only one who can answer that is God and you.

I just want to be...



  1. Good stuff bro. Even good things can hurt us, if we aren't careful. But you are a good friend. Your texts at 7:30 am (MTN time) mean the world to me!

    1. Thanks Bro for your encouragement! You are a good friend as well. I hope and pray that all is well with your family.


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