Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Quest for God is Over!

The quest for God has captured the minds of mankind through the course of history. Man has been on the continuous search for something that resembles the mystery of God and who God actually is in nature. The path in which this desire to find God travels is different for everyone. Some seek God through prayer, the Bible, silence, suffering, solitude, grief, nature, and many other avenues of life experience. What is your path in which you search for God? Where in life do you look for God?  I know God is everywhere, he is within us and all around us. What I am talking about is where is he showing you his presence to the fullest? What avenue is he seen the most in your life right now? 

That brings us to my next point in this post about our quest for God. I wanted to share with you my particular path in which God has shown his presence in my life. God has shown up in my life through some repetitive seasons of loss.  The death of a loved one leaves its mark on us in many ways. It can open us up to God and it can close the doors, we have a choice in the matter. We must choose what to do with our grief, because it is with us forever. My personal quest for God has repeatedly shown up in my questions about loss and suffering. The questions range from why did this happen to me to what am I going to do about it. It is deep within this struggle that I often find the heart of God. When I chose to face the anger, fear, pain, and doubt, I began to see God. I had to make the choice to stop running and falling into the pit of depression over and over again. The darkness and depression comes and goes, but God is there. Thats the difference, God is now 'there' with me. The quest is perhaps over, I have found God. He is at the bottom of the pain and he has always been there. My quest for God is over, now we BOTH are on a quest to finish together. 
Is your quest for God over or is it still going? 

I am there, 

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