Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Fallen Chains and the Spirit's Presence.....

When the grace dependent child begins to realize that words can't describe the deep mystries of Father, Spirit, and the Son, the chains begin to fall way.  The chains of science, doctrine, sectarianism, exclusivism, and "getting it right" begin to break away and free the grace dependent child. While truth and knowledge is found only in Christ, there is an endless, frantic, search for more when Christ has been within us from the very beginning. The quest for more has led to the many paths of doctrine and dogamtism based on a perfomance based faith. This only leads to fear and arogance.
Once Christ is discovered through faith, prayer, scripture, suffering, and Christian community, the search is over, Christ is found. This is when the child of God moves forward in their journey with Father, Spirit, and Son.  Response is the key to the journey, once the child responds to this great love mystery they story grows and blossoms into eternity. The chains, my dear friends, begin to fall when we learn to listen to Spirit, who has endless communion with Father and Son.....

O how they love us so.....
we really see it when we begin to listen....

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