Saturday, March 17, 2012

A West Texas Journey into Silence...

The journey of faith, family, religion, prayer, and discovery continues out here on the plains of West Texas. I could not ask for a better place to be on such a journey at this point in my life.  The people of West Texas are full of love and friendship. Once you begin to 'settle' down and love them for who they are, they begin to see you for who you are.  Growth takes place from this point forward when it comes to people and showing that you care about their story.  It is a putting away of personal agendas and letting God lead you.

One of the things I have been able to do while living out on the plains is to focus on my spiritual life in ways that I might not be able to do somewhere else.  Silence has been one of my deepest longings when spending time with God.  This is not born out of a mere want for peace, but rather from a hunger for more of God. Silence is a pathway that leads the soul to the divine. It can be carried with you everywhere you go, whether you are in the midst of noise or blessed with some quiet time.  Silence is like the small seed of corn planted in the Spring, as it begins, it is a slow and barren process, but with time, patience, and nurturing, it will begin to flourish.  Along with the help of the rural area I live in, the clear, calm nights, the wide open spaces, and the wisdom of the local Ranchers and Farmers, my life of silence has began to grow and flourish in many ways.  The journey continues......Trent

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