Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Comatose Soul...

  Good morning my Brothers and Sisters from all walks of faith and life. I hope and pray this morning is a blessing to you.  Mornings in our house are filled with family, coffee, the search for the perfect clothes (Tyler), the latest sports scores (Timothy), and lots of funny conversations with two sleepy heads getting ready for school.

  Marlana reads the daily devotional book "Jesus Calling" out loud every morning at breakfast to me and the boys.  This helps us begin our day on a positive note with God. Of course this is after she has already listened to her daily Bible readings on her Bible app on her phone. I read a few email devotionals and help get the boys and their lunches ready to go. Most of my reading occurs after they leave for school.

  I wanted to share this mornings (December 6) "Jesus Calling" reading with you. It was a very good one that will challenge all of us.

"Stay ever close to me, and you will not deviate from the path I have prepared for you.  This is the most efficient way to stay on track; it is also the most enjoyable way.  Men tend to multiply duties in their observance of religion.  This practice enables them to give money, time, and work without hearts.  Rules can be observed mechanically. Once they become habitual, they can be followed with minimal effort and almost no thought. These habit-forming rules provide a false sense of security, lulling the soul into a comatose condition.
  What I search for in my Children is an awakened soul that thrills to the joy of My Presence!  I created mankind to glorify Me and enjoy Me forever. I provide the joy; your part is to glorify Me by living close to Me."   
(Deuteronomy 6:5; Colossians 3:23; Psalm 16:11)
(Jesus Calling, Sara Young; 2004.)

Don't Give Up!

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