Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Against the Grain; Enemies, and Love?

"Do not think that you can show your love for Christ by hating those who seem to be His enemies on earth. Suppose they really do hate Him; nevertheless He loves them, and you cannot be united with Him unless you love them too."
(The new Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton. pg. 176)
The way of Christ goes against the grain.  We have to die to live, become last to be first, serve to be served, and love our enemies.  The mark of true Christianity lies in our ability to look at every person through the eyes and mind of Christ. (Philippians 2:1-5)  I can have all of my ducks and rocks in a row and still be wrong if I lack a love for others. (I Corinthians 13:1-3)  It seems to me that our ability to let love grow on all levels within us as we grow with Jesus is a foundational element to our life with God.  Live against the grain today, live the Christ way.

Don't Give Up!

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