Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Sacred

   The morning is silent with my cup of Nantucket Blend with a touch of French Vanilla as I begin to read my Psalms for the day.  The sunrise was a welcome sight as the new day arrived and the birds begin their early day music.  The many things that must be done today are racing across the vastness of my mind. The morning air and stillness awakens the heart to the divine embrace that awaits the soul in sacred reading.  The sacred is dear to the heart as an open meadow is to the early wildlife.  This sacred space is the nourishing ground for the life weary soul. Our beloved 'abba' longs for us to seek the sacred in our day.  The day will have a sacred, but will we see it and allow our life worn souls to rest in it?  As you proceed through the journey of day, look around for your sacred and take a moment to partake of its nourishment.

May your sacred find you today....Trent

1 comment:

  1. what a blessing...I think I just had a little bit of sacred reading and meditating on this and also in anticipation of what's in store...participating in an early Easter service this evening, which I know will be sacred, as we partake of communion in remembrance and praise that HE ROSE!!!! Blessings


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