Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Perspective on Pain and Suffering...

Sometimes I think we live in a world where we try hide and cover up pain and suffering. 

We all do it, but here's something to consider....

Jesus’ disciples and those who were with him at the time of his death did NOT necessarily anticipate that Sunday was coming! They heard Jesus' words and the foretold prophecies, but today, being Holy Saturday, those things had not happened yet. We know they happened as readers of the story, but did they know it, as real people in the story? 

We read it and believe in it while some do not. Those who were there watched it all happen up to the point of today, Jesus is dead and in the tomb. They are presently in the darkness and in sorrow, not aware of what is coming in the morning. Sure, they heard it being foretold, but did they really believe it? While we are running towards Easter morning, they are in the valley of death steeped in sorrow. 

We do this often when those around us are in the valley of pain and suffering. We treat them as if they can't see past the pain. We hurry them up to Sunday morning! When we do this, we are robbing them of some valuable healing in the midst of the pain. Sure, it's nice to know deep down that our Sunday morning is indeed coming. But we don't know when, we have no control over the pace of the healing of others. What we can do is walk though the pain with them and let them set the pace. Their Sunday morning will arrive when it's time, on their time and not ours. 

Let's remember to be present with others in all we do, even if it's not fun and comfortable. Healing comes after the pain...

Perhaps this perspective of pain and suffering will help us go through it when it comes. Whether it is ours or it is someone else's, we must let it be and just be present. 

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