Monday, November 14, 2011

A Perspective on Silence...

Silence has become an important part of my day and my life. While life is indeed a bit chaotic at times, I find myself seeking silence with my 'Abba'.  Once you begin to live this way, you will find yourself retreating back to a moment of silence sometime within the fabric of your day.  Here are some perspectives on the value of silence.

"So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone."  (John 6:15)

"The goal of monastic silence, and monastic speech, is respect for others, a sense of place, and a spirit of peace."  (The Rule of Benedict; a spirituality for the 21st century, by Joan Chittister)

Begin small, if you are not ready, silence can be scary and a little overwhelming.  Start with just a few minutes and build upon it as you grow close to 'Abba' Father through the practice....

The journey continues..

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