Monday, March 24, 2014

Great is Our God!

“Yours is the day, yours also the night; 

you established the luminaries 
and the sun.
You have fixed all the bounds of the earth; 

you made summer and winter.”

(Psalm 74:16-17, NRSV)

When we take the time to notice the world around us and its majesty, we are amazed at what God has done.  The creation of the world is an event that can only be grasped with faith.  We must believe in God in order to believe that he created the world in such a short time.  Our recognition that there is a God in heaven enables us to see that he created the universe and all of its elements.  God not only created these elements, but he continues to control them daily. When we think about how the basic elements of the universe are beyond our control as humans, we begin to see the power of God at work. 

When we begin to see God and his all-powerful being at work, we see that he is capable of handling all things.  Take a look around at our problems and struggles in our corner of the world.  What do we see?  How many diverse problems do we see occurring all at one time?   There are both big and small circumstances occurring all at once.  Our God is so great that he can control all of the elements of the universe while in the same moment he is in control of all of the ‘corners’ of the world.  What causes us to doubt God?  Why do we doubt him when he has it all under control?
Great is our God! He has everything under control!
All we have to do is listen and trust in him daily!


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