Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesdays from the Well; staying the course with resolve.

The journey into the world of silence and solitude is one of great expanse and experience. My journey into silence has been both rewarding and unsettling at times. 

The most important thing that I have learned on this adventure into my inner world, is to stay the course. Perhaps you see that phrase often with my writing and exploration. If I give in to fear and frustration, I will not learn the experiences and intimacy with God that I will see if I remain on the path. I must stay on course and persevere through the challenges that come my way. 

Staying on course involves an attitude of resolve from within the heart and mind. Learning to be consistent with our thinking will help us with this journey. When our circumstances change without notice, we often react to the changes. 

Instead of reacting to these changes, we will learn to respond with a calm resolve within us. How do we learn this?  

We first calm our inner chatter and self talk. This is learned by being present in the day to day rhythms of our lives. When we are present, we are aware. When we are aware of ourselves and of the lives of those around us, things become clearer to us. So when someone does something to us, we are aware of their lives and we think ahead about 'why' they acted in the way that they did. Also when it comes to ourselves, we will be aware of our thinking and we will come to an understanding as to why we reacted in the manner that we did. 

Awareness of ourselves and others will calm the inner chatter. Defenses come down and life lessons are learned. When we know these things ahead of time and are in tune with them, we will learn the value of a calm resolve. This is a different approach to handling conflict with others as well. If you think about it, where resolve is present, conflict is less. When conflict is less, we will stay the course on the journey into silence and solitude. You see, we give up when we face resistance. 

Through an attitude of resolve, we will walk into and through the resistance and with time it will turn into a learning process. Learning the attitude of resolve that calms the inner chatter will in time help us stay on course and not give in to fear and resistance

Stay the course...Trent

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